Unwanted Fat

Are you struggling to fit into your favorite clothes? Unwanted fat, wherever they may be located, are a frustrating issue for many of us. It’s incredibly disheartening to dislike what you see when you look in the mirror, and this feeling is only heightened if you’re actually trying to slim down but not seeing results.
There’s really nothing worse than following a healthy diet and working hard to stay active, and then still feeling like your clothes are too tight.
The problem with resistant fat
The truth is, there are sometimes pockets of unwanted fat that cling to the body, regardless of diet and exercise. This stubborn fat is often located around the midsection, the flanks or the thighs. Additionally, as we get older it can get even harder to get rid of these trouble areas.
Thankfully, there is no need to keep living with unwanted fat. At Dermatology and Laser Centre, we’ve helped countless patients effectively address resistant pockets of fat with our innovative SculpSure and CoolSculpting® treatments.*
If you are tired of feeling self-conscious about excess fat, Dr. Rubinstein can help.*
How CoolSculpting® can help you slim down
Unlike with other methods of body-contouring, CoolSculpting® is completely non-invasive and requires absolutely no surgery. It’s a truly wonderful advancement in the field of aesthetics! It’s also a more advanced system compared to previous cooling devices that required lengthy treatments and painful massages afterward.
When patients come in to receive CoolSculpting®, the treatment is complete after just 30 minutes, which means they can easily get back to work or to whatever they need to do.* Plus, this means that no one needs to know about the treatments — patients literally have zero signs of having the treatment done.* In the months that follow a CoolSculpting® treatment, they will notice their body naturally slim down in the targeted areas.*
If you’re interested in finally getting rid of unwanted fat, schedule a CoolSculpting® consultation today!
*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.
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